Everlie Jewerly


Clip-on Ear Rings
Ear Rings
Matching Sets
I like to use beads, wood, metal, and more!
I also play volleyball and the violin.
In my free time.

About Our Entrepreneur

Hey, I’m Everlie. I’m 15 years old and am always looking for ways to express myself. Making jewelry started out as a hobby but has since become my passion and profession.
I love working with different colors, textures, and techniques when creating new pieces for my collection.
Follow me on Instagram @evs_jewelry_shop and DM me if you’re interested in any of my pieces or for special requests.
Looking for a Professional?
Everlie is standing by ready to serve!! Contact her today!!

Get in Touch By Instagram
Jr. Business Sponsor
Brick by Brick is excited and PROUD to sponsor our Jr. Business Entrepreneurs! We are pursuing our dreams and are excited to help the youth find and follow theirs!

Get in Touch. Get Involved.
We would love to hear from you and we would love your help!