

Westgate " Read More Community Details Welcome to Westgate, a charming community located in Independence At The Point. Here, you’ll find both single-family homes and townhouses, all surrounded by the beauty of a nearby park. Adding an extra layer of security and...
Is the Sky Falling?

Is the Sky Falling?

The sky is NOT falling, our real estate market is actually normalizing… it’s called a “Decelerating Market”.   Buyers Might be waiting because they think it’s not a good investment to buy real estate right now and that prices will...
Everlie Sorensen Jewerly

Everlie Sorensen Jewerly

Everlie Jewerly Services BraceletsClip-on Ear RingsNecklacesEar RingsMatching Sets I like to use beads, wood, metal, and more! I also play volleyball and the violin. In my free time. About Our Entrepreneur Hey, I’m Everlie.  I’m 15 years old and am always looking for...
Piper’s Produce

Piper’s Produce

Piper’s Produce Services My family farm is your family farm! Fresh LOCAL produce and eggs.  Let me know what I can pick fresh for you and your family! Produce is available from June till the first freeze which typically is anywhere from late September to...